(ENGLISH ) The spiral pump possesses a gyro-static and bulk-styled
single bush eccentric spiral. Its rotor is a metal external spiral that
is sectioned into a round shape. On the other hand, its stator is a
plastic (flexible material) internal spiral that is sectioned into oval
shape. If the rotor is located in the central gyro-static position of
the eccentric bush, it will be getting gyro-static while doing vertical
movements inside the stator. Moreover, due to the fact that the connection
lines between the rotor and the stator (one hard while the other soft)
have a rigid and close-ended effect, the rotor is able to create a strong
self-absorption effect while getting gyro-static. Meanwhile, the liquid
that is absorbed into and fills up the gap between the rotor and the
stator will follow the movement direction of the spirals and continuously
transmit from the absorption port to the eduction port. (中文) 螺旋泵浦,為一種回轉容積型之單軸偏心螺旋泵浦,其轉子係斷面成圓形之金屬製外螺旋,而定子,為斷面成長圓形之橡膠製(彈性材料)內螺旋。如將轉子置於其偏心軸之中心回轉則該轉子即在定子內部一方面回轉,一方面做上下運動。更因為定子與轉子(一硬一軟)互相間之接觸線係成嚴密之封閉作用,故當轉子一開始回轉即可立刻產生強有力之自吸作用。此時被吸入充滿在轉子與定子兩者空隙(與轉子之容積相等)間之液體,而順著其螺旋之前進運動方向連續不斷地自吸入口,輸送到排出口。 其正常之回轉方向,如由趨動軸端視之為反時針方向,如此即可避免流體從驅動軸之填函箱處洩漏出。但在特殊之情況下,如輸送不能與空氣接觸之液體或自高真空槽中直接抽取成品時即可使用運向之回轉而不影響該泵浦之一切運轉作用。
▼ The output volume of the pump ▲泵浦吐出量 |
FENG CHUN PUMP INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 廣 源 機 器 廠 KWANG YUAN MACHINE PRODUCT. 地址:台中市東區東光園路100巷6弄12號 Address:No. 12, Alley 6, Lane 100, Dong Guang Yuan Rd., East Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL:04-22821958 FAX:04-22801685 網址:http://www.fengchun.com.tw E-mail:cpj59421@ms23.hinet.net |